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Is Coconut Oil Really Good for Your Skin? The Surprising Truth

by Ella Goodman 12 Sep 2024

So, you’ve heard the buzz about coconut oil, right? 

It's touted as the ultimate cure-all—a miracle worker in a jar. 

But is it really the skin secret you've been hunting for, or just another overhyped beauty fad? 

We're breaking it down, myth-busting style, so you can decide whether coconut oil deserves a spot on your bathroom shelf.

The Coconut Oil Craze: What’s the Hype About?

A Moisture Miracle?

Coconut oil is lauded for its moisturizing prowess. 

Thanks to its high fatty acid content, it forms a barrier on your skin, trapping moisture in. And let’s be real, it feels like velvet going on. 

Luxe, right? It's got the kind of rich, buttery texture that makes you feel as if you're gifting your skin an indulgent treat.

Here’s why: Coconut oil is packed with saturated fats, including lauric acid. These component fats form a protective layer over your skin, preventing dryness and maintaining that smooth, soft feel.

Mother Nature’s Cleanser

Beyond hydration, coconut oil also claims a spot in the realm of natural cleansers. 

It's the go-to for those who shudder at the sight—and smell—of chemical-laden products. 

With antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil promises to soothe and cleanse, a particularly seductive offer for anyone dealing with persistent acne, eczema, or flare-ups of skin irritation.

Picture this: After a long day, you use coconut oil to wipe away your makeup. The oil breaks down even the most stubborn waterproof mascara, leaving your skin impeccably clean and softened, all while smelling faintly tropical. Bliss.

Anti-Aging Armor

Coconut oil's antioxidants make it a contender in the fight against aging. 

By combating free radicals (those pesky molecules that speed up the aging process), it theoretically staves off wrinkles and keeps your skin looking youthful. 

Who wouldn't want a simple, natural approach to maintaining that youthful glow? 

Plus, a hint of tropical scent can transport you mentally to a beach vacation—a mental youth-booster!

The Dark Side: What You Need to Know

Alright, enough with the glam talk. 

Here’s what they don’t tell you: Coconut oil has a high comedogenic rating of 4 on a scale from 0 to 5. 

Translation? Coconut oil clogs your pores like nobody’s business

This is where the plot thickens.

Acne Woes

If you’re acne-prone, coconut oil’s pore-clogging potential is not your friend. 

This luscious oil might just transform your face into pimple paradise faster than you can say "breakout." 

The same rich texture that feels so nourishing can end up being a double-edged sword for those susceptible to acne.

Ever had one of those moments when you wake up and discover a surprise constellation of pimples on your face? 

If you splurged on a coconut oil treatment the night before, it might be the culprit. Those pore-clogging properties can trap dirt and oils beneath your skin’s surface, causing the perfect storm for a breakout.

Not So Universal

Remember, one size doesn’t fit all. What works for beachy beauty influencers might not work for your unique skin type. 

If you’ve got oily or combination skin, coconut oil might just amp up the grease, making you feel like an overly basted Thanksgiving turkey rather than a glowing goddess.

Different strokes for different folks, as they say. 

So, while some lucky ones might bask in the glow of coconut oil's goodness, others might find themselves in a sticky situation. It's crucial to understand your skin's specific needs before diving headfirst into the coconut craze.

What the Science Says

The Good

There’s legit science backing some of coconut oil’s claims. Research shows it has antibacterial and antifungal properties effective against various pathogens. 

Coconut oil contains compounds like monolaurin, which helps kill harmful microorganisms. This makes it fantastic not just for skin, but for minor cuts and burns, potentially reducing the chance of infection while assisting in the healing process.

Plus, studies have indicated that coconut oil can significantly help with skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, soothing the skin, reducing itchiness, and providing a barrier that aids in the healing process. So, there’s definitely some merit to the buzz.

The Not-So-Good

Scientific scrutiny does raise some red flags. 

A 2019 study pointed out that coconut oil can lead to increased trans-epidermal water loss, meaning your skin might lose moisture over time rather than retain it. Not exactly the glowing endorsement we all hoped for, huh?

This essentially means that instead of your skin sipping moisture like a fine wine, it might end up as dehydrated as a desert. 

The grease may feel good short-term, but long-term, it might be laying the groundwork for future dryness—precisely what we're trying to avoid!

Safer Alternatives: Beyond the Coconut

Argan Oil: The Liquid Gold

Enter Argan oil, often referred to as liquid gold. 

Spoiler: it’s not just a pretty marketing term. 

Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, both critical for the health and rejuvenation of your skin. 

And here’s the kicker: it’s non-comedogenic. That’s right—it won’t clog your pores.

This makes Argan oil a universal superstar, working its magic on dry, irritated skin without the risk of breakouts. It’s lightweight yet deeply nourishing, providing a multi-layered hydration that feels as good as it sounds. 

Plus, Argan oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a soothing choice for sensitive skin types.

Rosehip Oil: Nature’s Retinol

Now, let’s talk about another gem: Rosehip Oil. 

Known as nature’s own Retinol, rosehip oil boasts high concentrations of vitamins A and C, which are instrumental in skin regeneration and combating signs of aging. It’s like a natural facelift in a bottle.

Rosehip oil is not just for the anti-aging aficionados out there. It also helps with scarring and hyperpigmentation, smoothing out your complexion while infusing your skin with necessary moisture. Talk about multi-tasking! Plus, it’s absorbed quickly, meaning no greasy residue to worry about.

Sea Buckthorn Oil: The Nutrient Powerhouse

Sea buckthorn oil. Even the name conjures images of pristine beaches and untapped resources. Imagine that beauty harnessing its natural bounty to give you radiant skin. 

Packed to the brim with omega fatty acids (3, 6, 7, and 9) and an army of antioxidants, sea buckthorn oil is a game-changer.

For starters, these omega fatty acids are essential for maintaining your skin's barrier function, which is crucial for locking in moisture and fending off external aggressors like pollution and harsh weather. But sea buckthorn oil doesn't stop there. It packs a punch with a diverse collection of vitamins, including A, C, and E, which brighten your complexion and improve elasticity. Think of it as your skin's personal multivitamin smoothie.

Plus, it's an inflammation buster. The antioxidants work overtime to neutralize free radicals and calm irritated skin. This oil is your ally if you struggle with rosacea, eczema, or acne. 

And yep, you guessed it — it’s also non-comedogenic. You won't have to worry about it clogging your pores and triggering breakouts. 

A drop or two can be blended with your favorite moisturizer, or used solo to give your skin a nutrient-dense treat.

So if coconut oil’s pore-clogging ways are giving you the willies? Grab a bottle of our radiance-boosting Citrus Glow Drops, which contain… *checks label* …oh yeah, literally all 3 of the safer oils we mentioned above! 

Action Plan: Testing What Works for You

Start Small

If you’ve been convinced by the legions of coconut oil devotees and want to give it a whirl, start with a small patch test. 

This is non-negotiable. Apply a bit of coconut oil to a tiny, inconspicuous area of your skin—say, your inner arm. Wait for 24-48 hours. No rash, redness, or bumps? Great! But keep in mind, facial skin can be different from body skin, so caution is still your friend.

Monitor Your Skin

Now, let's say you’ve gotten the green light after your patch test. 

Fantastic. But wait—you’re not done yet. Keep an eagle eye on your skin’s reaction over a few weeks. 

Notice an unusual number of breakouts? Is your skin feeling oilier than usual or more irritated? Your skin communicates—listen to it. Keep track with a skincare diary if you must. Day-by-day notes can help you pinpoint if coconut oil is a skincare hero or a hidden villain in your regimen.

Mix and Match

Who says you have to stick to one oil? Sometimes, crafting a blend tailored to your skin's needs is the way to go. 

Try a concoction that mixes non-comedogenic oils like argan, rosehip, and sea buckthorn. Each brings its unique benefits to the table. For instance, argan oil offers essential fatty acids and vitamin E, rosehip oil targets scars and pigmentation, and sea buckthorn oil focuses on repairing and soothing. 

This way, you get a comprehensive skincare solution that packs a diverse range of benefits while minimizing the risk of clogged pores.

A quick tip: start with small batches. Mix a few drops of each oil and test the blend on your skin before committing to larger quantities. This step is crucial to ensure your skin tolerates and benefits from the mixture without adverse reactions.

Your Skin Reflects Your Life

Skincare isn't just a regimen; it's a lifestyle choice. There's no miracle jar that can fix everything if underlying lifestyle factors are out of whack.

Gut Health

Gut health is the unsung hero of skincare. The connection between a balanced gut and balanced skin is legit. 

Ever heard of the gut-skin axis? Essentially, an inflamed gut can trigger inflammatory skin conditions. Integrate probiotics into your diet to keep your gut flora diverse and healthy. Reach for natural yogurt, kefir, kimchi, or even a good quality probiotic supplement.

Your diet should also champion fiber-rich fruits and veggies. Berries, leafy greens, and other antioxidant-packed produce help protect against oxidative stress, which means fewer breakouts and a smoother complexion. 

With gut health in check, you're laying the groundwork for your skin’s health.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

It's the age-old advice that never goes out of style. Drink up! Hydration isn't just refreshing; it’s vital for plump, glowing skin. Water helps maintain skin elasticity and flushes toxins out of your system, which in turn keeps your skin clear.

Find clever ways to remind yourself to drink up. Make water more exciting by infusing it with fruits like lemon or berries. Use a fancy water bottle you love carrying around. Make hydration a fun, integral part of your daily routine—your skin will thank you.

Stress Less

Stressing less sounds easier said than done, but reducing stress is non-negotiable for good skin. Chronic stress spikes cortisol levels, which can wreak havoc on your skin—think breakouts, dullness, and even premature aging.

Incorporate stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or mindfulness exercises into your daily life. Even a relaxing hobby can serve as a great stress reliever. 

The key is consistency. Find what calms your soul and stick to it. A serene mind often translates to serene skin.

Final Thoughts

So, is coconut oil good for your skin? The answer isn't etched in stone. 

For some, it's a skincare savior with moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits. For others, it’s a pore-clogging disaster waiting to happen. 

The golden rule? Know your skin and test what works for you. Tailor your skincare routine to your individual needs and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Beauty is skin deep, sure, but healthy skin reflects holistic well-being. 

Use this guide to navigate the sometimes confusing world of oils and make informed choices. Your journey toward glowing skin is just as important as the destination.


  • Pros: Moisturizes, combats microbes, anti-aging
  • Cons: High comedogenic rating, can clog pores
  • Try Instead: Argan oil, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil (for best results, all in one bottle!)
  • Lifestyle Tips: Hydrate, stress less, maintain gut health

Whether coconut oil becomes your skincare soulmate or another "tried-it" on your list, this guide gives you the lowdown to make an informed choice. 

So, get out there and glow on, smartly and stunningly!

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