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Does Retinol Help With Acne? Here’s the REAL Answer

by Ella Goodman 14 Sep 2024

Alright, let’s get something straight—acne is a certified nuisance. 

From surprise zits to full-blown breakouts, it seems that our skin often has a mind of its own. 

Enter retinol—a skincare superhero that many people swear by. 

But does retinol actually help with acne, or is it another overhyped trend? 

Spoiler alert: Retinol is the real deal when it comes to fighting acne

But don’t just take my word for it—let’s deep dive into the nitty-gritty of why and how retinol can revolutionize your skincare routine.

What Exactly is Retinol?

Picture this: Retinol is like the cool older sibling of the vitamin A family. 

Often hailed as the über ingredient in the skincare world, retinol is a type of retinoid, which is a fancy way of saying it’s derived from vitamin A. 

While retinol is available over the counter, its more potent cousins, retinoic acid and tretinoin, usually require a prescription.

The Science Behind Retinol

Here’s the geeky bit (promise, it's short and sweet). 

Retinol penetrates the skin and speeds up cell turnover. Translation: It helps your skin shed dead cells faster, revealing fresher, smoother skin beneath. 

Think of it as a skin reboot. Fast cell turnover is crucial for dealing with acne because it prevents those annoying blockages that lead to breakouts. 

So, the next time you hear the term "cell turnover," think of a nice, streamlined assembly line, efficiently kicking outdated cells to the curb. This disrupts the acne formation process right at its roots.

Why Acne Happens (And How Retinol Fights It)

Before we jump to the superhero action scenes, let's understand our villain: acne. 

Acne primarily occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This can lead to whiteheads, blackheads, or worse—painful, inflamed pimples.

Retinol to the Rescue

So how does retinol step in like a guardian angel for your skin?

  1. Unclogs Pores: By speeding up cell turnover, retinol prevents pores from getting clogged. Think of it as your own personal pore plumber.
  2. Reduces Inflammation: Less inflammation means fewer angry, red pimples. It's like putting a fire extinguisher to the flames of your acne.
  3. Regulates Oil Production: Retinol can help your skin control oil, which minimizes the chance of breakouts. Imagine giving your skin a balanced, zen-like state, free from oil dramas.
  4. Fades Acne Scars: Over time, retinol can help fade those pesky post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation spots (the dark spots left behind by pimples). Consider it your backstage crew, quietly erasing marks so your skin can take center stage.

Best Practices for Using Retinol

Not all retinol protocols are created equal. Handling retinol requires finesse. Here’s how to do it right:

Start Slow

When starting retinol, think more tortoise than hare. You don't want to overdo it right off the bat.

  • Start with a Low Concentration: If you’re a newbie, begin with a lower concentration (around 0.5% works well) — and work up to the more powerful doses. Your skin needs time to adjust—think of it as preparing for a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Frequency: Use it 1-2 times a week initially. Gradually build up to every other night, and then nightly as your skin adjusts. This is not a Netflix binge; it’s more like savoring a good book, one chapter at a time.

Apply at Night

Retinol can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so it's best to apply it as part of your nighttime routine. This is when your skin naturally goes into repair mode, making it the ideal period for retinol magic.

Pea-Sized Amount

That's all you need! A little retinol goes a long way. Too much can irritate your skin, leading to redness and peeling. 

Potential Side Effects & How to Handle Them

No beating around the bush here—retinol can have side effects, especially when you first start using it. 

But, forewarned is forearmed!

Common Side Effects:

  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Peeling
  • Dryness

How to Manage Them:

  1. Moisturize Like It’s Your Job: When using retinol, make moisturizing an unwavering ritual. Your skin will need that extra hydration. Consider ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides for that ultimate moisture boost. Slather on a gentle, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin barrier intact.
  1. Sunscreen is Non-Negotiable: Retinol makes your skin extra sensitive to sun exposure, so SPF is a must! Think of sunscreen as the bodyguard that shields your revitalized skin from UV drama. Look for broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher, and make a habit of reapplying.
  1. Buffering Technique: To minimize irritation, you can apply your moisturizer before your retinol. This method, known as buffering, can make it easier for sensitive skin to handle retinol’s potency.
  1. Avoid Mixing with Certain Ingredients: Be cautious about using other potent actives alongside retinol. Ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and benzoyl peroxide can be harsh on the skin when combined with retinol. Keep your routine simple when starting out.
  1. Spot Treat if Necessary: If you're facing localized breakouts, you don't need to use retinol all over your face. Apply to breakout-prone areas to target the problem without overwhelming your entire complexion.

Navigating the First Few Weeks

The initial phase of using retinol, often known as the "retinol purging" period, might have you questioning your choices. But hold steady—it’s all part of the process.

The Purging Period

Here’s what to expect:

  • Your skin might break out more than usual: Retinol accelerates the life cycle of skin cells, meaning those lurking potential breakouts are brought to the surface faster. Annoying, yes, but it's a sign that retinol is doing its job.
  • Increased dryness and peeling: This happens as your skin adjusts. The shedding of old, dead skin paves the way for new, healthy skin.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Remember, patience is key. Stick with your routine, and within 6-12 weeks, your skin will likely thank you for the perseverance.

Who Should Avoid Retinol?

Like anything potent, retinol isn’t for everyone. Here’s when you might want to steer clear:

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Retinol isn’t recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to potential risks to the baby.

Expecting or nursing? It’s best to give retinol a hard pass. The potential risks to your baby aren't worth the gamble. No skincare product is worth compromising your little one’s health. Instead, opt for pregnancy-safe alternatives like bakuchiol, a natural retinol alternative that promises similar benefits without the risk.

  • Ultra-Sensitive Skin: If your skin can’t even handle mild creams without flaring up, retinol might be too harsh.

If your skin is so sensitive that a gentle cream sends it into a frenzy, retinol could be your worst enemy. Take a cautious approach. You could start with lower concentration formulations, but it's wise to patch test first. If the slightest whiff of irritation sends your skin spiraling, it might be safer to look for other, gentler options.

Layering Retinol with Other Products

Picking the right skincare buddies for retinol is crucial. You don’t want a skin disaster on your hands. Here’s how you can pair and spare.

Best Friends:

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Super hydrating and non-irritating.

This one's the ultimate BFF for retinol. Hyaluronic acid is a hydration hero that swoops in to counteract any dryness or irritation retinol might cause. Think of it as the yin to retinol’s yang. Apply it post-retinol to soak up the hydration and plump up your skin.

  • Niacinamide: Can soothe the skin and improve barrier function.

Niacinamide is like the chill friend who calms everyone down at a party. It works wonders to soothe irritation, strengthen your skin’s barrier, and even out skin tone—a perfect add-on to your retinol routine. Slot it into your routine either pre• or post-retinol application.


  • Exfoliants: Avoid using physical or chemical exfoliants on the same night you apply retinol to prevent over-exfoliation.

Sure, exfoliants like to smooth things over, but when mixed with retinol, things can get a tad too abrasive. Over-exfoliation is a common pitfall that can lead to irritations and disruptions in your skin barrier. Instead, alternate nights using these two powerful treatments to keep your skin in tip-top shape.

  • Vitamin C: While both are powerful, combining them can be too harsh for some skin types. Use one in the morning and the other at night.

Vitamin C and retinol are both star players in the skincare world, but their potent powers can sometimes clash. Don’t force it. Use Vitamin C in your morning routine and save retinol for the night shift. This schedule not only optimizes their benefits but also prevents potential irritation.

Real Talk: Managing Expectations

Retinol isn’t a magic bullet that will give you flawless skin overnight. Here's what you need to know:

  • Results Take Time: Around 8-12 weeks to see significant improvements.

Getting impatient? Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your new, glowing complexion. With retinol, it usually takes around 8-12 weeks to start seeing significant changes. Stick with it, because the reward is worth the wait.

  • Consistency is Key: Make it a regular part of your routine for lasting benefits.

Just like any good habit, consistency is crucial. Incorporate retinol into your routine steadily, and use it consistently to savor the long-lasting skin benefits it has to offer. Skipping applications will only delay progress.

  • Skin Purge: Brace yourself; your skin might get worse before it gets better as it adjusts to the increased cell turnover.

Yes, as we mentioned earlier, purging is real. And unfortunately, no one can avoid it. An initial breakout phase is par for the course as your skin adjusts to the upward spike in cell turnover. Don’t panic! This, too, shall pass, leaving a clearer complexion in its wake.

Real-Life Stories: Meet the Retinol Warriors

Let’s make this real with some inspiring stories from those who’ve fought the acne battle and won, thanks to retinol.

Sarah, 28:

"I had cystic acne that made me super self-conscious. After three months of using retinol, my skin cleared up dramatically. Now, I don’t dread looking in the mirror!"

For Sarah, like many, retinol was a game-changer. Struggling with cystic acne was her norm, but with consistent retinol use, her skin transformed. Her reflection now fills her with a sense of newfound confidence—a testament to sticking through the initial rough patch.

Jake, 21:

"My acne scars seemed permanent. Though hesitant, I started retinol. Six months in, my scars are barely noticeable, and my confidence is through the roof!"

Jake’s journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth every bit of effort. The stubborn scars that marred his self-esteem? They’re hardly noticeable now. Jake’s story is one of persistence, patience, and the sheer transformative power of retinol. His reflection, much like Sarah's, tells a tale of triumph.

Final Tips: Integrating Retinol into Your Lifestyle

Skincare doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It fits into your life. Here’s how to ensure retinol fits seamlessly into yours:

1. Don’t Forget the Diet: Healthy skin starts from within—loads of water and a balanced diet can drastically improve your skin.

Your outer beauty shines brighter with inner health. Load up on antioxidants, fruits, veggies, and Omega 3s. And water? Don’t underestimate its powerful hydrating impact on your skin. Retinol works better when your body’s nutrient game is strong.

2. Stress Less: Stress can exacerbate acne. Consider yoga, meditation, or any chilling activity you enjoy.

Stress is a skin saboteur. Yoga, meditation, or just good old aerobic exercise can keep those cortisol levels in check. A calm mind leads to clearer skin, making your retinol job a whole lot easier. Create a stress-busting routine and watch your skin thank you.

3. Sleep Well: Beauty sleep is real. Aim for 7-9 hours a night.

The term "beauty sleep" is no myth. While you snooze, your skin repairs and regenerates. Aim for 7-9 hours every night to allow your retinol to do its best work. A well-rested face is the cornerstone of glowing skin.

Your Journey to Glowing Skin

Retinol can be the game-changer your skincare routine needs, but it requires patience and consistency. The journey may be bumpy, but the destination—a clearer, brighter, acne-free complexion—is worth it.

So, is retinol the answer to your acne struggles? Absolutely. 

It’s time to embrace this skin-saving superstar and take control of your acne battle with confidence. 

Your future self will thank you!

P.S. If you’re on board the retinol train, and ready to take your glow-up to the big leagues? Grab a bottle of our clinically effective retinol cream — formulated with a potent 2.5% retinol for the kind of glow you normally need a prescription for.

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