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Should You Use Face Oil Before or After Sunscreen?

by Ella Goodman 13 Sep 2024

Hey there, skincare junkies! 

Ready to dive into yet another beauty conundrum? 

It's time to settle the debate that’s been lighting up Insta feeds and skincare forums: should you slather on that luscious face oil before or after sunscreen? 

Buckle up, because we’re about to unravel the secrets, drop some skincare knowledge, and make sure you’re glowing like a goddess (or god – skincare is for everyone!)

Skincare Basics 101: Why Face Oils and Sunscreens Matter

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly refresh our skincare basics. Why even bother with face oils and sunscreens?

Face Oils: The Elixirs of Hydration

Face oils are like little bottles of magic:

  • They lock in moisture.
  • They nourish the skin with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  • They give you that sought-after dewy glow.

Sunscreens: The Shields of Protection

Sunscreen? Non-negotiable.

  • It guards against harmful UV rays.
  • It prevents premature aging (bye-bye, fine lines and wrinkles).
  • It reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Now, onto the million-dollar question: which one goes first?

The Science: How Skincare Layering Works

Got your lab coats ready? 

Just kidding, but here’s the thing: skincare layering is a delicate dance. The general rule of thumb is to layer products based on their consistency – from thinnest to thickest

This helps ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness.

The Thin-to-Thick Rule

  • Thinner, water-based products (think essences, serums) go first.
  • Thicker, oil-based products (like face oils) follow.
  • Sunscreen is typically the final layer.

Why? Because sunscreen needs to create an even, protective film over your skin to effectively shield against UV rays.

Face Oil Before Sunscreen: Unpacking the Pros and Cons

The Pros

  1. Enhanced Hydration: Applying face oil before sunscreen can help lock in moisture, giving your skin that hydrated and plump appearance.
  2. Dewy Glow: If you’re chasing that glowy, radiant look, face oil under sunscreen can work wonders.
  3. Softened Skin: Oils can soften the skin, making it a supple canvas for makeup application.

The Cons

  1. Potential Barrier Issue: Oils can create a barrier on the skin that might make it harder for sunscreen to adhere properly, possibly lessening its effectiveness.
  2. Inconsistent Protection: If the sunscreen doesn’t spread evenly over that layer of oil, you might end up with patchy protection against UV rays.
  3. Increased Shine: While a dewy glow is desirable, too much oil can tip the balance to greasy territory, especially in hot weather.

Face Oil After Sunscreen: Unpacking the Pros and Cons

The Pros

  1. Optimal Sunscreen Performance: By applying sunscreen first, you ensure that it forms an even, unbroken shield on your skin.
  2. Locking in Protection: Face oil on top of sunscreen can help lock in the protective layer, keeping your skin both hydrated and shielded.
  3. Customizable Hydration: Applying oil afterward allows you to adjust the level of hydration throughout the day.

The Cons

  1. Potential Dilution: Some believe that applying oil on top of sunscreen might dilute or disrupt the protective layer.
  2. Uneven Application: If the oil isn’t applied gently, it can cause the sunscreen to shift, leading to uneven coverage and reduced effectiveness.
  3. Compatibility Issues: Not all oils play well with sunscreens. Some combinations can pill or separate, ruining that smooth finish.

What Do the Experts Say?

Dermatologists often recommend applying sunscreen as the last step of your skincare routine. 

Here’s what some of them have to say:

  • Dr. Frazer Jones, Dermatologist: “Sunscreen should always be the final step. Apply oil after to avoid any interference with the sunscreen’s ability to protect your skin.
  • Dr. Mindy Taylor, Skincare Specialist: “If you’re using an oil in the morning, mix it into your moisturizer instead of layering it on top.

But let's bring in some other voices to spice things up:

  • Dr. Eliza Kent, Cosmetic Dermatology: "Incorporate face oil into your nighttime routine and keep mornings strictly for sunscreen. This way, there’s no conflict, and both products can work their magic."
  • Madison Lee, Licensed Aesthetician: "Layering is key, but it’s not one-size-fits-all. For dry skin types, applying oil before sunscreen might actually enhance the sunscreen’s spreadability. For oily skin, stick to oil afterward."

Practical Tips: How to Get the Best of Both Worlds

But let’s get real. We want the benefits of both face oil and sunscreen without compromising either. So, how do we achieve that balance?

The Mix-it-Up Method

Combine Sunscreen and Oil in One Step

For those who love simplicity, mix a couple of drops of face oil directly with your sunscreen. This way, you get the moisture from the oil and the protection from the sunscreen in one swift move. Ensure they are both lightweight and compatible to prevent pilling.

Primer Approach

Use Face Oil as a Primer

Instead of applying face oil and then sunscreen, consider using face oil as a primer under your moisturizer. It will still provide hydration and that dewy glow without sitting directly beneath the sunscreen.

Spot Treatment Technique

Target Dry Areas with Face Oil

If your skin is combination or tends to get oily in the T-zone, apply face oil only to the drier areas of your face after sunscreen. This way, you’ll wick away dryness without compromising the overall sun protection.

Test, Test, Test

Patch Test Combinations

Before committing to a routine, test the combination of your products on a small area of your skin to ensure they work well together without causing breakouts or irritation. It’s all about finding what works for your unique skin.

Product Choice Matters

Select the Right Products

Opt for sunscreens that are compatible with face oils. Look for formulations that are specifically designed to layer well. Mineral sunscreens often play more nicely with oils than chemical ones.

And for your face oils, you want a high-quality blend of non-comedogenic oils — which is to say, oils that won’t clog your pores.

Fortunately, we’ve done the legwork for you in formulating our Citrus Glow Drops — a luscious blend of argan oil, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil and more that won’t clog your pores. It’s like a glow-up in a bottle!

Layer Wisely

Apply Products Judiciously

Too much of anything can be bad news in skincare. Use only as much oil as your skin needs, and make sure to apply an even layer of sunscreen. Pat your sunscreen into place rather than rubbing vigorously to avoid disrupting the layer beneath.

Busting Myths: The Truth About Face Oil and Sunscreen

Time to clear the fog around some common misconceptions:

Myth 1: Oil and Sunscreen Don’t Mix

False alarm! They can live in perfect harmony if you layer them correctly. Stick to the golden rule: apply sunscreen last. It’s all about the sequence — get it right, and you’re golden.

Myth 2: Sunscreen Isn’t Necessary Indoors

Afraid not. UV rays are elusive little devils that can sneak through windows. Wear your sunscreen indoors to fortify your skin against these indoor invaders.

Myth 3: All Oils Are Created Equal

Think again. One size does not fit all here. Different skin types need different oils. If your skin is acne-prone, steer towards non-comedogenic oils like argan or rosehip. They’re less likely to clog pores and start a breakout party.

Beyond the Basics: Skincare Lifestyle Hacks

Because there’s more to skincare than what you slather on your face, let’s elevate your routine to a full-on skin-centric lifestyle.

Hydration is Key

Water is your ultimate wingman. Aim to down at least 8 glasses a day. This keeps your skin cells hydrated from within. Imagine your skin as a fancy sponge; the more water, the plusher and more radiant it looks.

Eat Your Way to Glowing Skin

What you eat shows on your face. So, let’s load up on skin-loving nutrients:

  • Omega-3s: These fatty acids, found in foods like salmon and flaxseed, help keep your skin barriers strong and flexible. Think of them as the anti-crack team.
  • Antioxidants: These are your skin’s bodyguards, warding off damage from environmental nasties. Berries, dark chocolate, and leafy greens are packed with these defenders, keeping your skin looking youthful and resilient.

Bedtime Routine

Slip into bed with benefits. Quality sleep (we’re talking a good 7-9 hours) is essential for skin repair and overall glow-up. Add a silk pillowcase to minimize friction, which can cause wrinkles and breakouts. It’s like giving your skin a spa session while you snooze.

Personalized Skincare Recipe

Here’s your takeaway: the perfect routine requires personalization. Listen to your skin because it speaks volumes. 

Treat it kindly, and it’ll reward you with glow and resilience.

Your Steps to Glowy, Protected Skin:

  1. Cleanser: Clean slate, always.
  2. Toner: Optional, but oh-so-balancing.
  3. Serum: A cocktail of concentrated magic (hydration, vitamins).
  4. Moisturizer: Seal that hydration deal.
  5. Sunscreen: Your skin’s shield and protector.
  6. Face Oil (if needed): Blend it in or layer it strategically.

Tailor Your Routine

It’s all about the small tweaks. Experiment, observe, and adjust. Note how your skin reacts to each element, and fine-tune accordingly. Each tiny change can make a significant difference.

Ready to Glow?

Armed with these tips, you’re set to ace the face oil and sunscreen game. It’s about striking a balance, hydrating effectively, and staying protected. 

Now, go ahead, flex this skincare wisdom with your clique, and let's keep the glow-up in full swing!

Stay radiant, stay sun-safe, and until our next skincare journey!

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